Ranger Reject

Go! Go! Loser Ranger! Manga Summary

Go! Go! Loser Ranger! is a manga also known as Ranger Reject and Sentai Daishikkaku in Japanese. It tells the story of what happened thirteen years ago. An army of villains called the Villainous Army of Evil tried to take over Earth. But they were stopped by a team of heroes known as the Divine Dragon Rangers, or the Dragon Keepers. These heroes used special weapons called the Divine Tools. The evil army was defeated in just a year. All of their leaders were wiped out. The soldiers who survived, and can’t die easily, have been forced to pretend they’re losing to the heroes every Sunday. They do this in front of people who watch. One of these soldiers gets tired of this and realizes it’s like being a slave. So, he decides to rebel. He plans to defeat the Dragon Keepers by joining them secretly.